Level 3 is an online fieldwork supervision course that offers professional mentoring. Graduates of our Level 2 training are welcome to apply at anytime during the year.Ā Students have one year from their date of enrollment to complete their Level 3 training program requirements.
The Level 3 Fieldwork Course supports students to design, develop, enact, perform, and document a Fieldwork Project. After group-oriented training in Level 1 & Level 2, Level 3 students have an opportunity for one-on-one individualized mentorship and supervision. In Level 3, students will focus on developing their Fieldwork Project Proposal. The Fieldwork Project consists of learning how to adapt, apply, and take the Tamalpa Life/Art ProcessĀ® into vulnerable or disadvantaged communities or other settings where the student feels called to offer this work.
By developing your proposal, you become skilled in identifying an area of special interest, learning how to undertake research, building your literacy in related fields, and cultivating your expertise in relationship to a specific topic, population, challenges and intentions. The mentorship/independent learning structure of Level 3 allows you to work at your own pace, take breaks as life demands it, pause to do research, and then bring new material back into supervision. It supports you to develop the self-motivated discipline one needs for career development and professional growth. You have creative freedom to compose your final documentary of your teaching project in any way you are inspired to, using multiple art mediums in addition to written documentation.
The training is offered in English, French and German.