The Level 2 Training Program focuses on advanced personal practice and the development of professional applications of the Tamalpa Life/Art Process®. This assists participants in career options for several fields of practice, including expressive arts therapy, somatics, education, consulting, community service, health care, and the arts.

The overall educational goal of Level 2 is to develop embodied leadership and learn the skills to teach and facilitate the Tamalpa Life/Art Process® at a professional level.

The training seminars are designed to help students deepen their theoretical, experiential and practical understanding of the Tamalpa Life/Art Process. Students develop the necessary skills to coach individuals, facilitate groups, and apply the principles of embodied awareness into such fields as expressive arts therapy, somatics, education, consulting, health care, the arts, and social change. Seminars consist of experiential work, practice, and lectures.

Within this framework, students are encouraged to further develop their own gifts, style, and special interests in order to take the work back to their communities. Students are also encouraged to serve under-privileged communities through the cultivation of greater social awareness and with the support of Tamalpa ArtCorps, our social engagement program.