Held at the California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco, California
“Dance makes spirit visible in the world”
This daylong workshop will introduce participants to the Life/Art Process, an original approach grounded in movement/dance and the expressive arts as a pathway for healing, creativity and the exploration of our personal and collective mythologies.
This workshop is designed for everyone. No previous experience in dance/art needed.
Art materials provided.
Daria Halprin, MA, REAT, RSMT: co-founding director of Tamalpa Institute, dancer, poet, teacher, and author, is among the leading pioneers in the field of movement/dance and expressive arts education and therapy. Her work bridges the fields of somatic psychology, movement/dance therapy, expressive arts therapy, community-based arts and health education, organizational consultancy, leadership development, social change and performance. Bringing a life-long practice in the arts to her work, published writings include: Coming Alive; The Expressive Body in Life, Art and Therapy; contributing author Expressive Arts Therapy: Principles and Practices; Poesis: Essays On the Future of the Field; and Body Ensouled, Enacted and Entranced.
To register, please visit The CIIS Calendar

February 24, 2018TIME:
10:00 AM - 5:00 PMPRICE:
California Institute of Integral Studies1453 Mission St
San Francisco , CA 94103