4 Thursdays, January 14 – February 4, 4:00-5:30PM, Pacific Time
The archetype of the Queen represents a full-grown woman who embraces her own maturity and wisdom. As an aspect of the divine feminine, she embodies self-governance (sovereignty) and can lead through the qualities of love, fairness, and strength.
In this class series, we will discover and affirm our wisdom by exploring creative centers in our own bodies. As we engage in the expressive arts of dance/movement, drawing, and poetic writing, new resources and insights emerge. Sharing in pairs and trios helps to build a sense of community and connection among participants, and we celebrate the women we are becoming individually and as a group.
Elisabeth Osgood-Campbell, MA, EdM, is a registered Expressive Arts Therapist who guides groups and individuals into the creative landscapes of their bodies and imaginations. A faculty member of Tamalpa Institute and the Co-Chair of the Research and Publications Committee of the International Somatic Movement Education and Therapy Association (ISMETA), she presents internationally on the impact of movement on self-regulation and learning/growth across the lifespan. elisabethosgood.com
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