7 Wednesdays: April 13 – May 25 | 10 – 11:45AM PDT | $130/series
Although Indigenous ancestors on every continent of this planet lived intimately with the natural world, modern technologically-driven societies have become divorced from, and done damage to, the Web of Life that sustains us.
Many people feel grief, anger, and hopelessness about the environmental crises we face now. Through the ancient language of expressive arts, we can begin to re-enliven our relationships with the animate Earth and discover resources to fuel personal and collective activism. Engaging in dance/movement, drawing, and poetic writing, we will invite the elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water, as well as creatures with four legs, wings and fins, to share their wisdom about creating ecological wellbeing with us. Weekly small group sharing will help to build a sense of creative community.
Elisabeth Osgood-Campbell, MA, EdM, is a registered Expressive Arts Therapist who guides groups and individuals into the creative landscapes of their bodies and imaginations. A faculty member of Tamalpa Institute and the Co-Chair of the Research and Publications Committee of the International Somatic Movement Education and Therapy Association (ISMETA), she presents internationally on the impact of movement on self-regulation and learning/growth across the lifespan. elisabethosgood.com
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- Registration closes 8:30AM Pacific Time on the first day of the series
- Refunds will only be given if cancellation is received at least 48 hours before the start of the first class