7 Wednesdays, May 5 – June 16, 10-11:45AM PDT
In the northern hemisphere at this time of year, the amount of daylight increases until it reaches its peak on June 20, the Summer Solstice. During this season of late spring, the sun warms the soil and perhaps our body-based imaginations, catalyzing new life around and within us. As we move towards the longest day of the year, we will give thanks for the energizing qualities of the sun and ask:
What new growth is invigorated in my Life/Art now?
Through dance/movement, drawing, creative writing, sounding and improvisation, we will explore our inner landscapes and soak up the vitality we discover therein. Weekly opportunities for in-depth sharing with partners in small groups, over a two-month period, will help to build a sense of connectedness among the participants from a wide range of locations around the world. The series will culminate in the process of designing a score, or ritual, for your own celebration of Summer Solstice.
Elisabeth Osgood-Campbell, MA, EdM, is a registered Expressive Arts Therapist who guides groups and individuals into the creative landscapes of their bodies and imaginations. A faculty member of Tamalpa Institute and the Co-Chair of the Research and Publications Committee of the International Somatic Movement Education and Therapy Association (ISMETA), she presents internationally on the impact of movement on self-regulation and learning/growth across the lifespan. elisabethosgood.com
PLEASE NOTE: After paying via PayPal below, you will automatically be directed to a Zoom Meeting Registration Page. You must complete the information on the Meeting Registration page in order to receive your Zoom link for the class. If you do not immediately receive an email from Tamalpa Institute Workshops with your Zoom link, please email Workshops at Tamalpa to assist you.
- Registration closes 8:30AM Pacific Time on the first day of the series
- Refunds will only be given if cancellation is received at least 48 hours before the start of the first class