Join the ISMETA Board of Directors in celebrating and developing our profession
Featuring the work of ISMETA Approved Training Programs, Affiliated Professional Organizations,
ISMETA Board Committees and Special Subject Experts, including Tamalpa Institute Co-founder DARIA HALPRIN, and Tamalpa Institute Core Faculty DR. ROSARIO SAMMARTINO.
This year’s ISMETA conference is designed as a continuing education gathering for those engaged in Somatic Movement practices. Together we will dive into our growing edges and share best practices with each other. Join us in regional roundtables to build community, connect with other professionals, and dialogue about the development of the somatic movement profession in your part of the world.
By attending this conference, you will:
- Gain access to exemplary practices used by leading professionals in the field of Somatic Movement Education and Therapy
- Participate in highly experiential guided somatic activities
- Deepen your understanding of how to excel as a professional Somatic Movement Practitioner
- Learn about best practices being developed in our field
- Have the opportunity to engage and network with current and upcoming professionals
Along with opportunities to gather with your colleagues, we have curated sessions featuring the wisdom of ISMETA Approved Training Programs, Affiliated Professional Organizations, ISMETA Board Committees and Special Subject Experts to inspire our conversations.
Dive into this year’s offerings, including the presenters, sessions and more!
Click HERE to learn more and register now. View the SCHEDULE of offerings.
Cycles of Change in Creative Embodiment Workshop with DARIA HALPRIN
April 29, 2:30-3:40PM ET
Learning Objective: Experience working with The 5 Part Process, an original work developed by Anna and Daria Halprin, that provides a map to facilitate a physical, emotional and psychological healing journey.
Description: In this workshop participants will experience an approach that brings together somatic, artistic and psychological perspectives and practice. Guided through 5 stages of healing, a personal theme or challenge will be encountered and explored through the mediums of movement/dance, visual art and narrative. The use of symbolic and metaphoric encounter will be explored as an integrative arts approach to developing physical, emotional and mental awareness, expression, creativity and wellbeing. Applications to personal and professional work will be discussed and demonstrated.
Participants need to come prepared, with space to move and drawing materials!
Daria Halprin, RSMT, MA, REAT, developed an interest over 30 years ago in the relationship between the creative process, art expression and psychology, working in dance and theater labs with artists and psychologists from around the world. She was a member of the Dancers’ Workshop Company, performing nationally and internationally for 15 years. She is the co-founder of Tamalpa Institute, author of The Expressive Body in Life, Art and Therapy, and contributing author of Foundations of Expressive Arts Therapy. Her work has made a “significant contribution to the coming of age of expressive arts therapy in relation to our global society” (Jack S. Weller, California Institute of Integral Studies). Daria teaches at universities, growth centers and presents at conferences throughout the world. She has designed art-based programs and consulted with community organizations. She maintains a private practice in Marin County, is a Registered Expressive Arts Therapist and Movement Therapist. Daria is the director of Tamalpa Institute.
Body Mythology – Connecting and Experiencing your Spine with Dr. ROSARIO SAMMARTINO
April 30, 3:30-4:40PM ET
Learning objective: Deepen awareness and creative connection by understanding the Body Part Mythology method as taught in the Tamalpa Trainings.
Description: The Body Part Mythology method, developed by Daria Halprin and taught at the Tamalpa Institute’s training programs, supports the development of body awareness, teaching students to listen to and explore the stories, feelings, movement expression, and images that live in each body part.
In this workshop, Dr. Sammartino will guide you to dive into your body mythology through the world of the spine. We will explore its unique anatomy: somatically and artistically, through movement/dance, performance enactment, drawing, and creative dialogue; connecting deeply with the wisdom of this body part. Strategic steps to bring your learnings forward into your personal and professional life will be discussed.
Dr. Rosario Sammartino, RSMT/E, PhD, is a leading therapist and educator in the intersecting fields of expressive arts, somatics and depth psychology. With twenty years of experience, her work explores the relationship between body, emotion and imagination. Rosario is a core faculty member of Tamalpa Institute, the internationally recognized training center for movement-based expressive arts therapy, where she trains an international student body. She is an adjunct professor at the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS); as well as the founder of Anthropos Institute, an art and self-development Center located in Buenos Aires, the founder of Anthropos Argentina, where she is originally from. Rosario leads numerous lectures & workshops nationally and internationally. She has taken her work to healing and educational centers, bringing innovative models for health and embodied creativity to diverse populations.