“When enough people move together in a common pulse with a common purpose, an amazing force takes over-a power that can renew, inspire, teach, and heal” ~ Anna Halprin
Join us on December 17, 2022 from 9AM-11AM PT for this community ritual, led by Dohee Lee, as we offer prayers for healing and reconciliation in our families and communities.
You can prepare for the Planetary Dance by creating a drawing or writing a poem as a prayer to “bring” to this event.
Register HERE to receive the Zoom link
This end-of-the-year Planetary Dance is in support of the ArtCorps Scholarship fund. When you you register we ask that you also consider a donation! Please visit our website HERE to contribute.
Dohee Lee, RSME
Born on Jeju Island in South Korea, Dohee Lee studied Korean dance, music, percussion and vocals at the master level in Korea, and trained at Tamalpa.Since her arrival in the US she has been a vital contributor to both the traditional and contemporary arts landscape of the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond.
Lee founded the Puri Project in 2004 to present interdisciplinary works that embrace the ritualistic and healing aspects of performance. She has performed in venues and festivals around the world, collaborated with leading artists and has received numerous awards including Guggenheim fellowship, Herb Alpart, Doris Duke Impact Award, Creative Capital and the Isadora Duncan Special Award honoring Outstanding Achievement. Artist residencies include the OaklandAsian Cultural Center, the Watermill Center in New York with the Degenerate ArtEnsemble, the Headlands Center for the Arts, the Paul Dresher Artist ResidencyCenter, and the Montalvo Arts Center. In 2010, she appeared at Carnegie Hallwith Kronos Quartet, performing her original composition, Sinawi and at Teatro Municipal de Lima in Peru with Pauchi Sasaki and Collective in “MURU”.
Lee is artistic director of PURI Arts and instructor at the Korean Youth CulturalCenter from 2002 to 2008, resident artist and instructor at the Oakland AsianCultural Center from 2008 to 2011, has been a guest instructor at San FranciscoState University, Saint Mary’s College, UC Berkeley, UC Riverside andNorthern Illinois University.